Membrane Type Gas Holder
Membrane gas holders are the most flexible, economical, reliable and efficient biogas storage solution available in market. The membrane gas holder is fundamental to the process of anaerobic digestion by ensuring a regular supply of biogas availablity for the rest of the plant to operate consistently and efficiently.
Gas Holders:
The constant pressure gas holders are designed to store the biogas made from the anaerobic digestion of the organic waste and sludge.
They are made with biogas resistant PVC or Polyurethane two side coated polyester fiber reinforced fabric membranes , welded with high frequency electronic machines .
Our exclusive 3 membrane system is designed to form an upper air chamber that gives the pneumatic push on the bio gas chamber with the result of keeping the bio gas chamber at prefixed constant positive pressure. The two chambers are divided fro each other by a double membrane layer that assure the complete safety again the formation of air-gas misture.
The air discharge is made with specially designed overpressure mechanic valves , while the biogas overpressure system (necessary in case of overpressure due to temporary biogas under consumption ) works with liquid fuse safety valves .
An electronic sensor give the continuous filling level of the gas holder, sending the level information to the biogas users (Engines , Boilers ).
Main Features:
High safety levels : Our patented system with 2 chambers and 3 overlapping membranes , avoid in any case the formation of explosive mixture in the gas holder’s volume , because the biogas chamber is completely divided from the air compensation chamber.
Membrane gas holders can be manufactured significantly faster than any other biogas storage solution and in addition are resistant to the corrosive nature of H2S gas.
Low energy consumption : The compensation air blower unit starts only when the biogas is going out from the gasholder to be used , while for the remaining time (when the gas is entering in the gasholder ) is turned off.
The blower unit , with pressure control ,coupled to the pneumatic air and gas valves on the gasholders , ensure the constant pressure of the biogas throughout all the filling emptying cycle.
The operational pressure control system only requires the air blower to operate when biogas is being used and the gas holder will retain its pressure, shape and stability in the event of a power failure.
Volume Capacity : from 10 to 3000m3.